About WitchMade.co

In 2020, WitchMade.co sales began in response to a global pandemic when hand soaps and sanitizers were scarce with fewer natural alternatives available. Our crafters looked to ancestral witches for the skills that helped cunning folk survive historic crises like the Bubonic Plague. What began as a simple thieves oil soap, distributed to family and friends, has turned into a flourishing craft shop. Each handcrafted item is created as our fore-witches have done throughout history, using natural elements under appropriate planetary energies, for the good of all. Blessed be!

About Sari…

Sari Gagnon is a creativity coach, as well as an artist and actual ordained witch, certified in tarot reading and instruction, palmistry, astrology, and runic readings. She is a reiki master of the Hawayo Takata lineage, and an initiate of the Munay Ki shamanic rites. A student of occult systems, Sari has extensive knowledge of crystals, grids, herbs, elements, as well as a variety of divination techniques and methods of ritual practice.